Carol Says “Farewell” to 2023
Friends, Customers, and Cookie Lovers:
It has been another challenging year and while the wars in Israel and the Ukraine weigh heavy on our hearts, we at Carol’s would like to focus on the positives of the year. I don’t know where I’d be without my amazing bakery crew. Carol’s Cookies are always handmade, but I can’t get the job done with my two hands alone! Some of our crew have been together for over 20 years and it’s so rewarding to know not only can we rely on each other, but that the bakery is a happy workplace where they continue to want to show up.
But there would be no showing up if we didn’t have the orders continue to roll in. I am so thankful for our customers who believe in our special, often-replicated-but-never-duplicated cookies. It gives me such great joy when an order comes in, knowing that my cookies serve not only as a delicious treat, but a vessel to show someone you care, to spark a little joy, or to say thanks.
I am so happy to look forward to 2024. We have some exciting things ahead of us, but mostly things will stay the same. Carol’s will remain a small, woman-owned business. Our cookies will continue to use our legendary recipe, the highest quality all-natural ingredients, and each cookie made my hand. And, we’ll continue to work with excellent partners and accounts ordering and distributing our cookies throughout the US.
I hope you had a nice 2023 and that we all have an even better 2024. You can make sure it starts off sweet by ordering a cookie delivery to arrive at your door the second week of January.
Wishing everyone a sweet New Year!
With love,