A ‘Thank You’ Goes a Long Way

August 19, 2018
thank you quote
4/5 - (4 votes)

Show your appreciation with corporate cookie gifts

“Please” and “thank you” are the magic words you’re taught as a child, but they continue to be important in your vocabulary for life.  Everyone appreciates the courtesy, from the barista at Starbucks to the driver that let you pull into traffic in from of them during the morning commute.  And you know who else would appreciate the courtesy?  Your clients!

Reminding your clients or customers how thankful you are for their patronage is a great way for both you and your recipients to feel good.  Reminding them that they had a good experience, and satisfaction in working with your company can keep you top-of-mind when someone asks, “We need to update some things around the house.  Do you know where I can go for help?”

Carol’s Cookies also lives by this mantra and we also send out thank you gifts to our clients every year showing our appreciation to them.  Guess what we send? (HINT:  They are handmade and delicious.)  Nothing makes us happier then when we see our clients doing the same by sending their clients delicious corporate cookie gifts.

We are always delighted to work with companies like Flaherty’s Flooring of Texas who send out our handmade cookies in special thank you gift tins.  Just last month they sent a few hundred to their premier customers.  The cookie gift that keeps on giving….it’s a fantastic gesture that their customers appreciate when you recognize them for their business.

Cookie bakers assembling cookie gifts in tins

We have hundreds of clients that order our cookies monthly to say thanks for referrals, for a job well done, thanking customers for their business, employee appreciation gifts, special occasions, etc.  The reason to send handmade cookies is endless, really.

Say thank you with one of our handmade cookies to show your appreciation. Browse our variety of cookie flavors or order cookies online for easy shipping right to your door. You may find that you get a “thank you” in return for years to come.

Cookie thank you tin

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